Monday, September 14, 2020


You probably have your real estate website, or you’re part of a real estate agency, and they handle all the websites that work for you. But you can’t rely solely on your website if you want to stay competitive. Facebook can be one of the most effective tools in a Realtor or real estate agent’s arsenal for generating leads. The top-earning realtors are also active on Facebook. Learning How to Generate Real Estate Leads On Facebook will put you ahead of the competition and in front of your target audience.

Follow some of the tips provided by POWERUP LEADS on Generating Real Estate On Facebook, and you’ll have a booked appointment calendar in no time:

-       Using Carousel Ad format to show many images of the same estate or multiple estates as people stay engaged with the swiping actions. It will also bring more exposure to your multiple estates by linking every image to a different landing page of each property.

-       Utilizing 360degree Facebook ads photos and videos allow a possible purchaser to feel assurance about the estate’s worth and progressively inspired to click.

-       Engaging location, demographic, interest, and behavioral targeting options to ensure you’re showing your ads to the right audience.

-       Shooting through Facebook Live permits you to get personal with your buyers and have a real-time discussion with them and showcase your property.

-       Start with the 80/20 rule, which means 80% of your Facebook posts should be helpful, relevant content while the remaining 20% should be kept for listings, open houses, and other promotional information.

These are just a few but easy and effective tips to generate leads in your local areas. Generating real estate leads onFacebook shouldn't be a depleting and overwhelming assignment for realtors. If you are looking for assistance or to learn more, visit us at 

1 comment:

  1. Maximize your real estate leads on Facebook with these tips:

    Carousel Ads: Showcase multiple listings with engaging swiping actions.

    360-Degree Content: Use immersive photos and videos to instill buyer confidence.

    Targeting Options: Reach the right audience with precise location, demographic, and interest targeting.

    Facebook Live: Connect with buyers in real-time, showcasing properties and answering questions.

    80/20 Rule: Provide valuable content (80%) alongside listings and promotions (20%).

    These strategies will boost your lead generation efforts on Facebook. Need more help? Let us know!
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